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EA Sports FC 25: Best Quarter Century Quest Evolution Picks

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СообщениеДобавлено: Ср 15 Янв 2025 12:42    Заголовок сообщения: EA Sports FC 25: Best Quarter Century Quest Evolution Picks Ответить с цитатой

The Quarter Century Evolution is the new year’s event that features an all-around boost to players' attributes in EA Sports FC 25. This evo gives players a significant boost in their shooting, passing, dribbling, pace, defending, and physicality overall, making them an even more effective player in their different positions.To participate in this free evolution, all you need to do is select the player that meets the criteria and complete the challenges. Player requirements for this new year’s evolution are max 85 overall, max 94 pace, and max nine playstyles.
Milan Fabrizio van Ewijk starts this list, and after putting his squad foundation card through this evolution, you get a terrific fullback. He gets an upgrade in his shooting, passing, dribbling, defending, and physical attributes, which rank him as one of the best fullbacks in the game.Evolving the Dutch player's card will give him 94 pace, 86 dribbling, 85 physicality, 84 defending, 77 passing, 69 shooting, four-star skill moves, and four-star weak foot accuracy. One rare feature of his card is that he can play in any position on the right flank, whether as a right back, a right midfielder, or a right-winger.
The French wonderkid, Désiré Nonka-Maho Doué, is worth keeping an eye on as he has a lot of untapped potential as a left-winger. He can also play in different positions, like the left midfield and central midfield, and he has the attacking stats to perform exceptionally in these positions.The young player is quite the speedster on the left flank, and his ability to dribble his way into the box makes his card worth evolving in the ultimate team. He has some exceptional playstyles that support him as an attacker, which are technical, rapid, flair, bruiser, and jockey.
If you need a versatile player who can play either as a winger or a midfielder, then Francisco António Machado Mota de Castro Trincão’s evolved winter card will do the trick. His primary position is as an attacking midfielder, but he’s also capable of playing as a right midfielder, a right-winger, or a left-winger.His evolved winter wildcard stats are 88 pace, 91 dribbling, 74 physicality, 55 defending, 87 passing, 87 shooting, four-star skill moves, and four-star weak foot accuracy. His ability to control the flow of the game makes him one of the best attacking midfielders you can have on your roster.
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